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Friday, 29 July 2016

Bypass and Unblock Social Media Blocked in Ghana.

To continue using social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram and other sites in cases where government decides  to block them. Countries like Ethiopia,Congo, Chad and Uganda in Africa ordered internet services providers to block or shut down popular social media services during their elections.
Ghana therefore regarded as on of the Democratic African nations shocked many when their Inspector general of Police announced that government intend to block socia media on their voting day in november.
Which will take place from 5am to 7am, To the reason of it ensuring misleading information information that could distabilize the country.

But they forget Internet freedom and that most people use internet for different purposes as in recent times people are making good use of social media and capitalizing on it through various monetizing ads.

Personally i am for internet freedom and i will show you several ways to bypass and unblock socia media incase it is banned.

1. VPN use.
A VPN (virtual pprivate network) provide encrypted links directly to pprivate networks in other countries allowing your computer to be seen browsing from a differnt country.
This is just good security, but there are people for whom VPNs are essential. Journalists and activists rely on VPN services to get around government censors so they can safely communicate with the outside world. Of course, that may be against the law in countries with strict censorship.
This the easiest process to access blocked website is by using free proxy websites as these websites use a separate proxy to direct the data toward the web filter providing easy access. Some of these websites are 
  • https//

3.  There is another trick and works sometimes if the filters are not too detailed.
Just change HTTP to HTTPS
  •    eg -  to

4. Using IP instead of Website

Another path to bypass web filters is by Using the IP address of the website to visit it instead of its name. Go to Start and type cmd.exe in search bar and press enter.
Once the Command Prompt open Type “Ping” like e.g. Ping
You will get a reply from the website and in front of it will be numbers separated by Dots, Something like: . That will be the IP address. Copy it and paste it in your browser url bar and Cheers!!!

1 comment:

  1. The best way to do this is to use a VPN such as Ivacy VPN.
